From by Deensiebat, serves 2-4

The author initially developed this combination using sautéed kale and leftover quinoa, although this recipe is from scratch, you can also make it with leftover quinoa.

2 cups Salted Water

1 cup Quinoa

1 bunch Kale, washed and chopped into 1" lengths

1 Meyer Lemon, zested and juiced or the Lemon from your box

2 Scallions, minced or one of the smaller Spring Onions from this week's share

1 TB toasted Walnut Oil

3 TB toasted Pine Nuts

1/4 cup crumbled Goat Cheese

Salt and Pepper

Bring the water to a boil in a covered pot.  Add the quinoa, cover, and lower the heat until it is just enough to maintain a simmer.  Let simmer for 10 minutes, then top with the kale and re-cover. Simmer another 5 minutes, then turn off the heat and allow to steam for 5 more minutes.  While the quinoa is cooking, take a large serving bowl and combine half of the lemon juice (reserving the other half), all of the lemon zest, scallions, walnut oil (you can substitute olive oil if you desire) pine nuts, and goat cheese.  Check the quinoa and kale when the cooking time has completed - the water should have absorbed. The quinoa will be tender but firm and the kale tender and bright.  If the quinoa still has a hard white center, you can steam a bit longer (adding more water if needed).  When the quinoa and kale are done, fluff the pilaf, and put into the bowl with the remaining ingredients.  As the hot quinoa hits the scallions and lemon it should smell lovely.  Toss to combine, seasoning with salt and pepper and the remaining lemon juice if needed. 
