Martha Stewart

1 cup plain Yogurt
2 TB chopped fresh Dill
2 tsp Lemon Zest
1 TB Extra Virgin Olive Oil
1 TB Butter
4 4 oz Salmon Fillets
1 TB Oil
3 stalks Green Garlic, finely chopped including a good portion of green tops
2 cups cooked mixed Greens, Mustard, Kale, Turnip or Beet Tops, Spinach
Salt and Pepper, to taste

In a medium bowl combine the yogurt, dill, lemon zest and olive oil.  Mix well and set aside.  In a large sauté pan, melt butter and sear salmon fillets on medium-high heat, flesh side down, for about 3 minutes.  Turn the fillets over and cook for about 3 minutes more.  Place fish on a warm serving plate.  Heat oil; sauté the green garlic until fragrant, then add the mixed greens.  Season with salt and pepper.  To serve, arrange greens around fish fillets and spoon yogurt sauce over fish.  Serve warm.
