
  1. In the box - and how to store it

  2. This week's Recipes

  3. Shopping List

1. In the box (in order of what to eat first):

Lettuce - Keep damp in an airtight container in the fridge. Keeps for one week.

Spinach - Store loose in an open container in the crisper, cool as soon as possible. Spinach loves to stay cold.

Dill - Wrap in a dry paper towel and store in a plastic bag. Keeps well in your fridge up to 10 days. You can also place it upright in a cup of water for a plastic-free alternative.

Red Kale and Red or Green Mustard - Remove any bands, twist ties, etc. Most greens must be kept in an air‐tight container with a damp cloth to keep them from drying out. Kale, collard greens, and chard do well in a cup of water on the counter or fridge. Do not wash until ready to use.

Beets - Cut the tops off to keep beets firm (be sure to keep the greens!) Leaving any top on the root vegetables draws moisture from the root, making the lose flavor and firmness. Beets should be washed and kept in an open contained with a wet towel on top.

Celeriac - A delicious form of celery that is pretty new to people's kitchens. We sell an amazing amount at the farmers market each Saturday. At Whole Paycheck one of these can cost you as much as $7. Peel, chop and cook with potatoes, mash the lot with more butter and cream that your mother would. Cool and damp is best, so an outdoor, shady vegetable rack is good and the bottom of your fridge even better. Healthy celeriac should keep, unwrapped, for several weeks without any significant loss of quality. Even when cut in half, they will still keep for a week or more, though you may need to shave off a layer to refresh the surface.

Green Garlic - Store in your crisper. Best used within a week but may last a little longer.

Red or Green Cabbage - Left out on a cool counter is fine up to a week, in the crisper otherwise. Peel off outer leaves before cooking.

Tokyo Turnips - Remove the greens (store separately) same as radishes and beets, store them in an open container with a moist cloth. Lasts up to a week.

Lemon, Mercot Mandarins, and Blood Oranges (Twin Girls) or a Pomelo (Eatwell Farm)- These lemons and mandarins may have a sticker on them as they are sold in markets and stores in the area. Sometimes our order is placed after they're individually labeled. They're organically grown in Fresno, CA by Twin Girls Farm.  Leave at room temperature until you're ready to eat them.

2. This Week's Recipes (Links):

Pan Seared Salmon with Yogurt Dill Sauce

Chicken Piccata on Sauteed Greens

Mock Potato Salad

Celeriac Chips

3. Shopping list for all recipes (assumes you have basic salt and pepper):

Shopping List for Pan Seared Salmon with Yogurt Dill Sauce:

1 cup plain Yogurt
1 TB Extra Virgin Olive Oil
1 TB Butter
4 4 oz Salmon Fillets
1 TB Oil

Shopping List for Chicken Piccata on Sauteed Greens:

1 lb. Chicken Breast, most people pound it out to be very thin I cheat and slice it thinly
Flour, Salt and freshly ground Pepper for dredging
A good amount of minced Garlic
Olive Oil
1/2 cup Dry White Wine, maybe more I usually just pour it in
1/2 cup Eatwell Farm Chicken Stock, you might use more if you want your sauce thinner

Shopping List for Mock Potato Salad:
1/4 Aioli (you could use Nigel’s Green Garlic Aioli recipe)
1 tsp Dry Mustard
2 TB Apple Cider Vinegar
1/2 cup fresh Cilantro leaves OR use the fresh Dill instead
1 medium Red Onion, minced (optional)

Shopping List for Celeriac Chips:

1 tsp ground Cumin,
1 tsp Sweet Paprika
1/4 to 1/2 tsp Cayenne, depending on your preference for heat
1 tsp Celery Salt, or I used Celery Seed in stead plus 3/4 tsp Salt
3 TB good Oil

Shopping List for All Recipes:

1 cup plain Yogurt
4 TB Extra Virgin Olive Oil
1 TB Butter
4 4 oz Salmon Fillets
1 TB Oil

1/4 Aioli (you could use Nigel’s Green Garlic Aioli recipe)
1 tsp Dry Mustard
2 TB Apple Cider Vinegar
1/2 cup fresh Cilantro leaves OR use the fresh Dill instead
1 medium Red Onion, minced (optional)

1 lb. Chicken Breast, most people pound it out to be very thin I cheat and slice it thinly
Flour for dredging
A good amount of minced Garlic
Olive Oil
1/2 cup Dry White Wine, maybe more I usually just pour it in
1/2 cup Eatwell Farm Chicken Stock, you might use more if you want your sauce thinner

1 tsp ground Cumin,
1 tsp Sweet Paprika
1/4 to 1/2 tsp Cayenne, depending on your preference for heat
1 tsp Celery Salt, or I used Celery Seed in stead plus 3/4 tsp Salt
