I pulled out all the peppers from last week’s share, washed them, and removed the stems and seeds.  I heated a few tablespoons of good olive oil in a pan over medium heat. While the pan was heating, I chopped up a couple of the onions from last week’s share.  Then I tossed everything into the pan and cooked them low and slow.  When the peppers and onions were soft, I shut the heat off and let them cool in the pan.  Once cooled, I put them into a container and into the fridge.  I’m going to use them in something for tonight’s dinner.  It didn’t take much time, and I was already in the kitchen keeping an eye on something else, so it seemed like a good use of my time AND it is one step I don’t have to do tonight.  Peppers and onions are a great addition to lots of dishes, eggs, soup, rice, pasta etc., so it’s nice to have them ready and waiting to be used.
