We hope that as members of the farm you get a chance to come up to the farm and see what we do here. We have lots of events such as last weekend Tomato Sauce Sleepover. We cooked sauce so that we can enjoy it all winter long. Communal cooking is a very special thing. You get to see how simple the sauce can be made and how fancy. It is easy and fun. On top of that we shared a meal together, sat by the fire and solved all the worlds problems. On Sunday morning we enjoyed Blue Bottle coffee (donated by the crew at the Ferry Building) and our eggs and tortillas. After a demo of the seed cleaner and the flour mill we took a tour of the farm. All this fun for, no charge, just as a thank you to you for supporting us in this journey we are on to farm responsibly for future generations.
Coming up this weekend we have a chance for you to come and help us plant next Springs Strawberry crop. The plants were harvest for this last January and they have been kept frozen in a storage locker in Turlock until now. The crowns will be planted through our amazing woven plastic mulch to give us another delicious crop next May. The strawberry picking days are every weekend in June for members and their guests. Each day around 250 members descend on the field to pick and eat to their hearts content.
This is what a community farm should be, we do not have land in other States or put bananas in your box. We grow it or our farming friends grow it. Please tell your friends how great it is or refer them to the article in last Sundays Chronicle about Eatwell Farm... Nigel