Digging Our Great Potato Crop — Eatwell Farm

DSCF1058.JPG This week we have Caribe potatoes in your box. We are giving you a different variety every week so that you get to try all that we grow. We like to mix up the varieties and roast them with some olive oil and Rosemary salt. We dig them by hand which is all that you can do until the skins ‘set’. The skins are too fragile while the tops are green. On my wish list is a potato digger for the tractor. I am hoping to find one that can harvest sweet potatoes too. This is a tall order. Speaking with other farmers who have diggers none of them are totally happy with them. Terra Firma Farm has a digger that they built themselves which is huge and seems to do the best job. With the economy in the state it is now is not the time to splurge. I can still dream.

