P7300039.JPG We are in the midst of harvesting eggplants, peppers and tomatoes so now we have to plant for the next season, fall. As it is so hot and bright here in the summer we have the plants for our fall garden grown in the fog of  Gilroy. I drove down on a Friday morning at 5 am to be there when the nursery opened at 7am. The plants are grown organically for us.

I drove back to the farm where Jose and the crew planted them on Friday afternoon and Saturday. To help them establish we cover them with some shade while they are putting down their first roots. This is particularly important with lettuce and some of the greens.

We will get another three deliveries of plants over the next 8 weeks. Roberto will also sow many beds of greens, carrots lettuce and spinach to make our fall and winter boxes delicious.

