We are now harvesting the best tasting peaches and nectarines of the season. The mid to late season varieties always seem to have the best flavor. We have three new rows (about 180 trees) of new varieties that we are starting to harvest just a few fruit from this year.
This has been one of the more difficult seasons for stone fruit. We started in the winter with lots of cold in December. This was very good for the blossoms, the dormant fruit bud needs cold to mature. A cold winter gives us a stronger blossom and a shorter blossom period. The bees can do their magic in a short time and we have lots of fruit. The one problem is that if it rains during this short blossom period, like it did this year. Rain encourages disease such as brown rot. This can destroy blossom. The crop this year is very much reduced from a normal year so not everyone gets peaches and nectarines each week. I sprayed with an organic material called Nordox, a copper based fungicide. I know that if I had not we would not be picking any fruit now. The one issue we are seeing in a few pieces of fruit now is a legacy of this rain. Some fruit looks fabulous on the outside then when you bite in or cut it you see it is breaking down. This is brown rot again, the spores have been waiting until the fruit is harvested to burst into life. A most disagreeable activity! If you get one of these fruit please let us know, we will be very happy to replace it. We work hard to carefully pack you produce but sometimes we miss things so please send us a email or call. We rely on you to watch our backs...
We appreciate your support of Eatwell Farm... Nigel and the farm crew.