This year we have over 6,000lbs of potato seed. All our seed comes from Rocky Farms in Colorado. Most of the organic farms in our area buy from the same farm. All our orders come on one truck. The seed we buy is organic. This year there is one exception; the variety Huckleberry is not available organic so we have conventional seed.
We like to receive small sized potatoes (golf ball), but a potato crop is not uniform so the larger ones we have to cut in half. We lay the potatoes out in our tomato trays to encourage them to chit (start to grow). Once the shoots are 1/4 of an inch long they can be planted. If the weather is inclement than we sometimes will put the 'chitted' potatoes in the cooler so that the shoots do not grow too long. The shoots can be broken if the get too long.
The varieties we will plant this year are...
All Blue
All Red
French Fingerling
German Butterball
Yellow Finn
Yukon Gold
We hope to plant within a month and start harvesting sometime in May depending on the spring weather.
The seed has been inspected by the Solano County Agricultural Commissioner. They are looking for any signs of Colorado Potato Beetle. None was found, so we are clear to plant when ready.