This Week's Box: November 25, 2024
*Turnips- Remove the greens (store separately) same as radishes and beets, store them in an
open container with a moist cloth.
*Sweet Potatoes- Store in a cool, dark, well‐ventilated place. Never refrigerate ‐ sweet potatoes don't like the cold. Lasts up to 3 weeks if stored properly.
*Butternut Squash- Store in a cool, dark, well ventilated place. Many growers say winter squash gets sweeter if they're stored for a week or so before eaten. Will last several weeks.
*Mandarins- They will keep a day or two at room temperature and up to a week in the crisper drawer of the refrigerator.
*Hot Peppers- Only wash them right before you plan on eating them as moisture decreases storage time. Store in a cool room to use in a couple of days, place in the crisper if longer storage is needed. Lasts up to one week.
*Fennel- If used within a couple days, fennel can be left out on the counter, upright in a cup or bowl of water (like celery). If wanting to keep longer than a few days, place in the fridge in a closed container with a little water.
*Broccoli- Place in a breathable container or wrap in a damp towel before placing in the fridge. Lasts 1-2 weeks.
*Mixed Herbs- Wrap in a damp paper towel and store in a plastic bag in the fridge. Keeps about 1 week. Can also be hung to dry and will last several months.
Spinach- Store in the bag, unwashed, in the crisper. Take out what you plan on using and wash as you go. Will last 3-5 days.
Arugula- Wash and dry well. Wrap with a damp paper towel and store in a glass container in the fridge. Lasts up to 5 days.
Celery- Store in your crisper. Lasts about one week.