Eatwell Farm

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Crispy Curried Cauliflower

1 head of Cauliflower or Romanesco

1 1/2 TB Coconut Oil or Ghee, melted

1/2 Dried Arbol Chile

Fine Sea Salt, to taste

Curry Powder

Serve with Lime Wedges

Position oven rack in the center of the oven and preheat to 450 F.  Line a sheet pan with parchment paper.  Trim off the base of the cauliflower, then cut into 2” florets and the core into 2” pieces.  Transfer the florets, core pieces and leave to one or more large bowls and toss with the coconut oil to coat evenly.  Add the Chile and a pinch of salt.  Put the cauliflower onto the baking sheet spacing about 1/2” apart.  Roast for about 35 minutes.  Remove from the oven, sprinkle with about 1 TB Curry powder, stir and toss to coat.  Return to the oven and continue to roast until the cauliflower is a deep golden brown and slightly crispy at the edges, 5 to 7 minutes longer.  Remove from the oven, discard the chile and squeeze lime juice over the pan. Serve.