Recipe by Amber from Twists & Zests

This is a beautiful food blog site, you really should check it out, particularly as Amber is an Eatwell CSA member!   

The original recipe was made with watermelon daikon and pomelo, if you have the family box this week you can use your pomelo, if you have the box for two use your oranges, they too are fantastic in salad.  

1/2 lb Lettuce Or Spinach, washed well and dried

2 to 3 Radishes, sliced in 1/8” semi circle

1 Pomelo, or Orange or a couple of Mandarins, segmented if using Mandarins cut the segments to remove the seeds

1/4 cup sliced Almonds, toasted

For the Dressing:

1 TB pungent Olive Oil

1 TB Balsamic Vinegar

2 tsp Maple Syrup

1/8 tsp Cinnamon

1/4 tsp Salt

1/4 tsp ground Pepper

Mix all the dressing ingredients together and whisk well.  To segment the pomelo (or grapefruit), cut the top and bottom off, approximately 1/2” thick to start with.  Going around the fruit top to bottom, cut the rind and pith off.  If you start with 1/2” you can always cut more.  Slice until all the white pith is gone and the membrane has been just removed.  Slice each segment just at each side of the membrane.  Remove any seeds.  Rip lettuce, cut spinach, into bite size pieces.  Toss lettuce/spinach, radishes, and citrus with dressing.  Plate and top with sliced almonds. 
