Eatwell Farm

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Lemon Leek Salad Dressing

Recipe by Lynn Johnson

Make 1 1/2 cups

  I was wondering if you could use leeks in a salad dressing,   and this is what google found for me!  Funny because it says specifically good for strong flavored salad greens, perfect for the arugula and radicchio! 

1/2 cup Olive Oil

3 TB White Wine Vinegar

3 TB fresh Lemon Juice

1 medium Leek, white part only, cleaned and finely chopped

1 Egg

1 TB chopped Shallot

1 TB Dijon style Mustard

1 tsp dried Tarragon, crumbled

1/4 tsp Salt

1/8 tsp freshly ground Black Pepper

Whisk in bowl.  Chill for several hour before serving