Eatwell Farm

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The First Storm of 2019

This time of year, we keep a close eye on the weather. By Thursday I saw they were predicting gale force wind for the weekend, and that is never good for the Farmers Market. I have learned the you cannot trust the weather forecast and quite often the storms they predict fizzle out. I have also learned that even if the storm isn’t what they predicted, the threat keeps people away from the market. Being right on the water, the tents at the market get hit by the wind pretty hard. So we sent extra weights, came up with a game plan for stormy weather, told the crew to pick 1/2 the amount of vegetables, cut the staff back to bare bones and planned for a cold, wet, miserable day.  

For those people who shop the market in spite of the weather, you are our heroes! Doing the market is a lot of work, doing it when you are cold and wet and afraid that your tent is going to blow away, well it just isn’t very pleasant. To have people come out and shop makes it all worthwhile.  I couldn’t go down this weekend because of a private party here on the farm, but our crew rocked it! 

Joyce, Havel, Cory and Eric made the day happen. And even though the market shut down 2 hours early, they sold out of eggs and had a pretty fantastic day. The market is where Eatwell got its start. And one of the last things Nigel made me promise was to never miss a market. Eatwell has a perfect attendance record, we have never missed one yet, but that is only possible because of our amazing crew!