I didn’t have any capers, or chicken stock thawed or white wine so I did this and it was perfect with the Eggplant Parmesan!

1 Boneless, skinless Chicken Breast

Flour for dredging

2 TB Olive Oil

2 TB Butter

Salt & Pepper

Zucchini, as much as you want to cook, thinly sliced, maybe quartered if the Zuke is large

4 cloves Garlic, minced

Basil and Parsley, finely chopped

Zest and Juice from 1 Lemon

More butter if you want to make a little lemon sauce, about another 2 TB, cut into little chunks

Thinly slice chicken breast.  Heat Olive Oil and butter in a heavy skillet.  Dredge the chicken in flour, salt and pepper.  Add to the pan once the oil/butter mixture is hot but not browning.  Cook until golden then flip and cook the other side.  Remove from the pan and put on a serving dish.  Throw in the minced garlic, give it a quick whirl around the pan, then add the zucchini.  Cook until the zucchini is done to your liking.  Put the zucchini onto of the chicken, trying to keep the oil in the pan.  Set the heat to medium, and add the lemon juice and zest to the pan, then add to the butter.  Whisk while it is melting, then pour over chicken and zucchini.  Top with basil and parsley and serve.
