
Over the weekend, one of my favorite treats was Lizzie’s Fennel Frond Iced Tea. Might seem crazy with all the food we had, but when I cook a lot I eat a little, but I get so thirsty.  This is so refreshing, and most certainly good for digestion.  Take about 1/3 of your fronds and put into a good sized iced tea container, about 1/2 gallon size, or 1/2 gallon mason jar.  Boil water and pour enough to cover the fronds.  Make sure you are using a container that can handle the  heat, if not wait a couple of minutes for it to cool just slightly, and pour in slowly bit by bit.  If you want it sweetened add 1 TB Honey while it is hot.  Allow to cool, remove fronds then fill with ice. 
