Recipe inspired by Greens Cookbook

This is one of my favorite soups. I use our chicken stock in it and  less milk. I also changed it by adding 2 stalks of spring garlic.

1 bunch of Turnips, save the good looking leaves, trim and peel then slice into rounds

2 stalks Spring Garlic, minced

5 TB Butter

Splash of Olive Oil for the pan

8 oz Chicken Stock

8 oz Milk

Salt and Pepper, to taste

Lemon Zest, to taste

Heat the butter in a skillet, with a splash of oil to keep the butter from burning too quickly.  Add the sliced turnips and cook until they begin to soften a bit.  You don’t want them browned, so use a medium heat, or lower if you plan on walking away.  Add the minced garlic and cook another minute or two.  Then add the chicken stock and cook until the turnips are very soft.  Transfer it all to a pot appropriately sized for your soup.  Using an immersion blender purée the lot, add the milk, salt and pepper.  Taste and adjust seasoning, add more milk if it is thicker than you like.  You can also use cream instead of milk, using less, but then add more stock.  Once it is close to what you want, add a bit of lemon zest, taste and adjust if needed.  The saved turnip greens can be turned into a pesto which you could add a dollop of on your soup.  Google it, you will find loads of recipes!
