Here’s the thing about New Potatoes, the skin is very delicate, and the first few weeks of potatoes I don’t even consider a starch. They are so creamy and delicate and just a world different from what we are used to.

Wash them by soaking in water long enough to soften up the dirt and gently rub with your fingers. Enjoy them steamed or cooked on a low simmer.  

Eat them with butter and salt, maybe tossed with some of the Spring Garlic. This past weekend we made a version of Bubble and Squeak with a little bit of chopped, cooked bacon, and sautéed greens. For my Mother’s Day Dinner, Cameron made us a steak, with steamed potatoes and a fresh salad with that beautiful Red Lettuce that is coming out of the field right now. Keep your salad simple, with just a vinaigrette, and keep your potatoes simple.  This is the time of year to enjoy the produce for its amazing flavor and let it shine.
