Eatwell Farm

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Sun, Rain, Weeds

The late winter rains has brought an overwhelming amount of weeds.  This makes harvesting slow and tedious.  It is always hard when we face these types of issues, as it is yet another reminder that I can’t just go and ask Nigel.  Fortunately, Cameron is learning a lot at the Farm Academy. I sat in on a good talk at the farming event we went to a few weeks back and heard how another farm close to us is dealing with their weeds.  I am hoping Cameron and I can go visit them in the next week, to learn how to implement some new strategies. These late rains have probably also adversely effected our stone fruit. Too much rain during the blooming stage is definitely not a good thing.  Checking the weather it looks like we might get a bit more this week. I know California always needs more precipitation, but I for one would like to see the end of it. Let it snow in the mountains to build up our stored water for later in the season, but let the sunshine on the farm!