Eatwell Farm

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Visitors from Spain

Sometimes you meet people and immediately connect with them, and that was how it was with Paul and Mar.  Originally they found us at the Market, saw all that we are doing and spoke with Natasha at the stand about Eatwell.  Paul and Mar own an Ecolodge in Andalucia - Al Limon, and they are traveling around Northern California visiting places they feel resonates with what they are doing in Spain. Eatwell was a perfect place to stop for a visit on the way up to Sierra Hot Springs.  

We had a great talk about the importance of supporting local producers and eating seasonally.  They were commenting on the abundance of organic produce coming from half way around the world.  At their breakfast that morning they were served lovely organic fruit but it had traveled from Chile and New Zealand.  While we all appreciate farm land being converted to organic, how does that allign with an ecological principal if we demand summer fruits in the winter?  Definitely kindred spirits.  We all are trying to make our little parcels in this world a better place.  Seeing the photos of Al Limon, it is clear there is much love for their land and their place. If any of you has an interest in visiting Spain, please consider staying at Al Limon. 

Paul originates from Nottingham, England, not far from where Nigel grew up, so his English is pretty good:) Mar is from Spain. They are passionately committed to creating a beautiful, restful space that embraces the natural beauty that surrounds them. Take a look at their website and you will see And if you do go, please tell them you are from Eatwell Farm!