Written By Ashley Hathaway, CSA Member since 2011

One of the primary reasons I choose to get my weekly supply of eggs and fresh produce from Eatwell Farm’s CSA membership is for the wonderful health benefits that come with eating properly grown, fresh, nutrient-dense, local organic foods.    Food plays one of the most critical roles in determining our health and well being. I have been studying the effects of nutrients on the body for over 10 years and as I continue to  learn about this complicated, fascinating and important subject, I appreciate Community Supported Agriculture more and more.

I discovered Eatwell Farm foods at a health conference several years ago and I’ve been hooked ever since. 

I'm grateful to live close to a farm like Eatwell that provides this beautiful food. Each week I throughly enjoy reading about life on the farm and what goes into growing the food in my box.   

Thank you to everyone at Eatwell Farm for your hard work and dedication to organic farming!
