Recipe from

2 TB White or Yellow Miso Paste

1/2 cup Dashi, Fish Stock or Eatwell Chicken Stock

1 to 2 tsp Fish Sauce

2 TB unrefined Virgin Coconut Oil

1” knob of Ginger, peeled

1 bunch Bok Choy, rinsed and patted dry

2 TB Sesame Seeds

Dissolve two TB white or yellow miso paste and 1/2 cup of warm dashi or stock, until clumps of miso have been thoroughly combined with the stock, and the mixture is smooth and thinly velvet-like texture.  Stir in one to two tsp fish sauce and set aside.  Heat 2 TB coconut oil in a skillet over a medium flame until melted and sizzling.  Julienne the freshly peeled ginger by cutting it into thin matchsticks and toss these into the hot fat, gently stirring until the ginger perfumes the fat with its bright and vibrant fragrance.  Add a whole, intact bunch of bok choy to the seasoned fat and fry on one side for one to two minutes until the bok choy begins to blister slightly, then turn it over to the other sideband continue to cook foremother one to two minutes.  Pour the mixture of a stock and miso over the bok choy, reduce the heat to medium-low and cover.  Simmer for six to eight minutes or until the bok choy wilts and is pierced easily by the tines of a fork. Plate the cooked bok choy and any remaining juices, then sprinkle one tote TB Sesame Seeds over the dish before serving right away.
