Eatwell Farm

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Citrus, Celery, and Shaved Fennel Salad

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Gourmet December 2002

This recipe calls for Navel Oranges, but I would use Mandarins instead.

1 TB Cider Vinegar

1/2 tsp Whole-Grain or Coarse-Grain Mustard

1/4 tsp Salt

1/4 tsp Black Pepper

1/4 cup Extra Virgin Olive Oil

3 Navels Oranges

2 Grapefruit 

2 medium Fennel bulbs, stalks cut off and discarded

3 Celery Ribs, cut diagonally into 1/8” thick slices

Whisk together vinegar, mustard, salt, and pepper in a large bowl. Add oil in a slow stream, whisking, until combined.  Cut peel, including all white pith from oranges and grapefruit with a paring knife.  Working over a bowl, cut segments free form membranes.  Squeeze juice from membranes into a small bow, then whisk 3 TB  juice into vinaigrette.  Drain citrus segments, then add to vinaigrette.  Quarter fennel bulbs lengthwise, then cut lengthwise into paper thin slices - about 1/16” thick with slicer.  Add to fruit with celery and toss