Eatwell Farm

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Giving Thanks

It feels a little strange to be celebrating; anywhere you go in Bay Area, vistas look like apocalyptic sci-fi movie sets.  The smoke is a 24 hour reminder that just a short drive from us people have lost everything.  Knowing this I think it is a struggle for us to be joyful, but as Thanksgiving approaches we can always remember to give thanks.

This year I give thanks for the food we grow and all that it has brought to my life, and for me that is a large web.  Of course one of my first thoughts always goes to the incredible bounty we bring home from the market when we trade with other vendors.  The beauty of barter is those coffee vendors, cheese makers, sausage stuffers, kimchi fermenters, and cookie bakers, are so excited to get fresh vegetables from us, just as excited as I am to get all that they produce.  It is a really sweet deal, one that is based on relationships, connections and shared experiences.  We are all in it together at the market when the rain falls, the wind blows and the smoke fills the sky.  Even though those slow markets are a disappointment for all our hard work, we are at least rewarded with lots and lots of treats.

Besides the market, the food our farm grows has given me the opportunity to go into classrooms and show kids how to make soup.  It also gives me a story to tell in front of large crowds.  I get to cook special dinners for people who want an experience on the farm.  I have a life filled with a purpose, to show people just how simple and delicious eating fresh from the farm truly is.  

And of course, the bounty of the farm brings me all of you. To all of you long time CSA members I can never thank you enough for being a part of our lives and letting us be a part of yours.  Many of you have raised your children with a weekly box from this farm.  They learned that vegetables come out of a box with a newsletter telling them stories about their farm.  And for you who are new to Eatwell, thank you for giving us the chance to show you a different way to approach food. I hope you all find a way to make it to the farm to connect with the land that grows your food.  

Lastly, I will forever be grateful for my farmer man who changed my life in so many ways.  Because of him, I am here, living a life filled with community and purpose.  

Happy Thanksgiving Y’all