Eatwell Farm

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Salad with Green Goddess Dressing

Farmhouse Kitchen

Recently I made a delicious Eatwell version of a Green Goddess dressing and enjoyed it for days.  I love baked potatoes, and am so happy with a big fat spud and a fresh simple salad.  Soooo I didn’t measure, because I was making it up as I went along, but here is a good approximation.  ALSO, change it up to fit your taste buds, taste as you add things.

1/2 Avocado

1 Green Garlic, use as much of the greens as are tender

1/4 bunch of Parsley, I love parsley and probably used 1/2 bunch at least

1 Spring Onion, if you have one left from a previous share, you can also use any chives you have left from previous share

1/3 cup Yogurt

1 or 2 TB Mayo

Start with 1 TB Vinegar or Lemon Juice, I used Sherry Vinegar in mine, but I think I would have preferred lemon juice

Salt and Pepper to taste

Olive Oil if you want to add it

Put the avocado, garlic, parsley, yogurt and mayo, vinegar or lemon juice into the blender.  Did you know you can use a regular mouth mason jar on your blender?  I do this all the time for salad dressing, that way I am making it in the container it will be stored in.  Blend until smooth.  Taste, add salt and pepper, and decide if you want more mayo or some oil, or more acid, or maybe you want to put the other half of the avo in there.

Wash your spinach or lettuce, chop up some radishes, add some dandelion greens, and maybe a few bits of apple or mandarins, and way you go.  Toasted nuts or some sunflower seeds are always a great addition.