
6 T butter

1 large shallot (diced) or the Spring Onions from your box

3 lbs radishes or turnips (trimmed and cut in halves or quarters)

1/3 C water

1/4 C broth or Eatwell Farm Chicken Broth

1 T honey

1/4 t salt

1/4 t pepper

2 T mint leaves, thinly sliced and additional to garnish

1 t chives (diced)

Melt butter in skillet over medium high heat. Add shallot and cook for 2 minutes. Add radish or turnips, stir. Stir in water, broth, honey, salt and pepper. Reduce heat to medium-low, cover, and cook for 15 minutes. Uncover and cook 7-10 additional minutes, until most of the liquid has evaporated and veggies are ‘glazed’. Remove from heat and stir in diced herbs. Garnish with mint leaves.
