As each speck finds its place in my life, I can open my eyes and see more clearly. To say that my life is becoming emotionally easier, would not be accurate. It is more that the sorrow and grief is finding its place in my life. And now I can slowly move on by looking at old stories Nigel has written, old newsletters, old FB posts. I hope someday I will be able to listen to some of the interviews he has done, but I’m not quite there yet. For the time being, I am planning on going through old newsletters and incorporating some articles he wrote for the current season, so that his words can continue to speak to us. It occurred to me that from this summer on, most of our new members will not have had the chance to meet him, and so I would like his words to continue to be a part of the work we do at Eatwell.

I chose this article because it is incredibly appropriate to the work Cameron and I have been doing these past few weeks. And to be clear, it is really almost 100% Cameron doing the work.

“To assure a constant supply and quality of tomatoes through the summer next year, we will be making 6 plantings. And that is just for Tomatoes. Cucumbers and squash need to be sown every 3 weeks; basil almost every week. Needless to say, this can become a planning nightmare. Some years we do better than others in getting it together. Years like the last El Nino do not help as adverse weather messes up even the best-laid plans.”  — Nigel

