Eatwell Farm

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Autumns Arrival

By: Liz, Site Host and Former CSA Manager

Lorraine took a much-needed mini vacation with her good friend Mark to slow down and get some good sleep. Noelle also went on vacation, so I am lending a helping hand to Cameron in their absence. One thing I got to assist with last week was preparing the herbs for the market. With clippers and twist ties in hand, I headed out to the fields. When I worked as CSA manager on the farm, I truly appreciated the time spent walking the fields with Nigel- inspecting the growth and health of the crops, making our list for the box, taking pictures for the blog and newsletter, and learning something every minute. The truth is, when working on the business side of things, it is hard to get out in the fields, so time spent among the rows of veggies is all the more special. As I worked among the rosemary bushes, I saw Miguel drive up to the chicken pasture, give a honk from the truck and the hens happily danced their way towards him- it was feeding time! I recalled a memory with Nigel some years back when we witnessed this and he smiled and said, "their prince charming has arrived". I moved on to cut bunches of thyme, calendula, and garlic chives and waved to some of the guys out picking strawberries as I passed by. I thought, wow! strawberries in November! But it was the smile on their face that stuck with me because I thought, yes! This is the sweet time of year for our farm workers, when the wind rattles through the poplar trees rustling their leaves, the sky fills with cloud and there is a final respite from the summer heat. I couldn’t help but feel immense gratitude...for the work the crew does day in and out, for that cool autumn breeze, for the majestic sun working its way behind the Berryessa hills taking the last of the daylight with it, for all that Nigel taught me and for all the farm has given me and for that beautiful fall day among the fields at Eatwell Farm.