Eatwell Farm

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Happy Thanksgiving!

For those of you who will not receive a CSA share next week, I wish you all a very Happy Thanksgiving, lots of delicious food, wonderful company, silent cell phones, and great conversations.  We will be celebrating here on the farm with our wonderful extended family, and I can’t wait.  It is my favorite holiday, not about gifts, just food and being together.  Of course this year will be bitter sweet.  Nigel and I always loved having our home full of people, gathering around a table of wonderful food, mostly from the farm.  I know he will be in our thoughts all day.  Thanksgiving week is always a busy one for us, particularly since we can not deliver on that Thursday.  If you are a Thursday CSA pick up person, the week of Thanksgiving ONLY, your boxes will be delivered to your regular location on Tuesday!  Please don’t forget, put a reminder on your phone, calendar, tie a string on your finger or write a note on your arm:)