Local Flavors by Deborah Madison

This recipe was shared by Kristina on our slack group.  I am substituting the Lunchbox Pepper, and a couple of peeled, chopped San Marazanos for the tomato paste.  Having sauteed peppers in the fridge, ready to go, makes for a quick and delicious side dish.  

1 lb Lunchbox Peppers

2 TB Olive Oil

1 small Red Onion, quartered and thinly sliced

2 cloves Garlic, thinly sliced

1 TB Tomato Paste OR a couple of the San Marzanos, peeled and chopped

1 1/2 TB chopped Marjoram, Anise Hyssop or Basil

Sea Salt and freshly ground Black Pepper

1 TB Balsamic Vinegar


Slice the peppers into strips 1/4” wide or wider. Remove the seeds.  Heat the oil in a wide skillet, add the onion and agarlic, and cook over medium heat until translucent, 4 to 5 minutes.  Add the peppers, raise the heat, and saute for 5 minutes stirring every so often.  Add the tomato paste (or tomatoes), half the herbs, and 1/4 cup water.  Cover the pan, lower the heat to medium, and cook until the peppers are soft, another 10 minutes or so.  Season with salt and pepper to taste. Add the vinegar and raise the heat.  Cook until the peppers are glazed, then stir in the rest of the herbs.  Serve warm or cold.
