Original Recipe from Baking With Ginger

I made this for some CSA members who came up to the farm this past weekend to stay in the Nest.  This ice cream is dairy free and is a delicious option for those who can not eat dairy.  It was perfectly creamy, it does however require two pieces of equipment, an ice cream maker and a juicer, so for those of you who have these I highly recommend this recipe.  BUT, be adventurous, seed some watermelon and puree it and use that instead of the juice, I bet it would also be delicious!  And if you don't have an ice cream maker find a recipe for Melon Granita, where you put all of the ingredients (basically pureed fruit, sugar, water, lemon juice) into a flat container, pop into the freezer and every 15 minutes or so you scrape the frozen crystals with a fork, until it is all frozen.  The original recipe called for Glucose Syrup which I do not have, so I have upped the sugar slightly, and for a bit of balance I added lemon zest and salt.

2 cups fresh Watermelon Juice

1 can Coconut Milk

6 1/2oz of Sugar

6 large Eatwell Egg Yolks

1/2 tsp Salt

Zest from 1/2 Lemon

Combine the coconut milk with half the sugar and heat in a saucepan and allow to simmer.  In a separate bowl, combine the remaining sugar and egg yolks.  Temper with 1/3 of the hot cream into the egg yolks.  Then add the egg yolk/cream mixture to the remaining cream and continue to cook while whisking.  Cook until thick. Place the custard in the fridge to cool.  When cool, mix together the custard and watermelon until well combined.  Transfer the mixture to the ice cream machine and churn until frozen and fluffy.  Place ice cream in tupperware and freeze for at least 3 hours.  We served it topped with a bit of granola.

