It isn't too often a chef takes us up on our offer to come up and play on the farm.  Shannon Waters is no ordinary chef and she jumped at the chance when I suggested she come up with her crew.  We first met Shannon when she came up to guest chef for one of the Bay Leaf Kitchen camp sessions. She is the chef who made the Stamp and Go’s, which I included in the recipes several weeks back (Jamaican Summer Squash Fritters).

They arrived bright and early, had a nice chat with Nigel, then we walked the farm to harvest for their brunch.  As always the strawberries were a big hit.  It never gets old watching people in the strawberry field.  

The Aatxe crew harvested some tomatoes, eggplants, chard, peppers, strawberries, summer squash and basil.  They came back to the big kitchen and got right to it.  The best part was Connie, Nigel and I got to enjoy the result of their labor and simply fantastic brunch.  One of the things they made was "PCT"  Pan Con Tomat. So simple! I am including it with this week's recipes.

