Eatwell Farm

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A Morning At Eatwell

It's 6:30 Tuesday morning and I have the entire newsletter to write before 11:00.  Our dear Lizzie (former CSA manager and sweet friend) just left with Nigel for UCSF for today's appointment.  After getting them all packed up and Nigel into the car, I came back in to sit in front of my iPad to start writing.  Collin Hay is singing Waiting for My Real Life To Begin, seems kind of appropriate in a sad way.  Nigel gets cold really easily and I am always hot, so now that he is gone I have both of the front sliders open wide.  The sun is just starting to come up and the chickens that live around the house are crowing away.  The light outside is so beautiful I had to turn off all of the big lights in the house so that I can enjoy this transition time.  I just ran outside to get a picture of the sunrise but there is such a thick cloud of dust haze the sun is well hidden.

Watching the night turn into day I am reminded that this is not the only transition we are in right now.  As you will notice from this week's share the seasons are sliding from Summer to Autumn; the first Sweet Potatoes and Chard are nestled in the box next to tomatoes, basil, tomatillos and melon.  How lucky we are to live in Northern California where we can grow and enjoy some of the most amazing food you could find anywhere.  When we stop to take notice of the season changing, because of what is in our CSA Share we are indeed lucky. We are experiencing an age old tradition that almost everyone has no idea ever existed.   We all know the end of tomatoes and strawberries will be here soon.  It makes each meal a little more precious, but at the same time don't we all start to crave the foods of Thanksgiving?  We are in tune with nature and the seasons simply because we eat seasonally through our CSA shares.  How amazing is that?