The Chef cooking for DMB called a couple of weeks ago asking if we could deliver produce, herbs and our salts to the Greek Theatre in Berkeley.  Apparently, when Dave is in town he likes Eatwell Farm produce or at least his chef likes cooking with it.  Connie got in bright and early yesterday morning to get all of the herbs harvested.  Some of the herbs they are using include chives, chocolate mint, oregano, andbasil.  Jose and the crew picked their order first thing and Cory got the order down to the Greek.  When I think about it, it seems crazy to do all of this for a fairly small order, but I suppose we all have a bit of "fan" in us.  Musicians bring much joy to the world, I listen to music all the time, so I guess this is our way of sending joy back to them.  So which salts does the DMB enjoy?  Smoked Chili and Heirloom Tomato.

