Eatwell Farm

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One More To Go

This past weekend was the last of the Sauce Parties.  Now, the event season here on the farm is almost at an end, with only the Pumpkin Party left.  Connie took on the role of Event Coordinator this year and did a truly wonderful job. Believe me, it isn't an easy one.  Fortunately for her, though, Emily and Christopher worked quite hard last year making signs, creating lists and setting up systems. Connie was able to walk in and "only" do the work of running the events.  They typically are very long, hot weekends and she is back in Monday morning getting right back to work as normal.  I can't thank her enough for taking on this responsibility because the events are so important. They are what really turns this CSA into a Community. 

A very sweet thing happened this past weekend at the Sauce Party. Kiko, one of our younger CSA members (I believe she is 9!), made a get well card for Nigel. She took it around to everyone saucing to have them write a quick note. I can't tell you how much little things like that mean to us. As much as we try to stay tough during this challenge, these precious acts by a 9 year old just make us melt and kind of fall apart again.  It makes us realize that what we do here on the farm is important. We are making a difference, particularly for our young CSA members.  Kiko's dad told me her older sister Izzy says that the sauce party is her favorite weekend of the year.  I know the last two years, Izzy and I have had some really great conversations about people connecting with strangers, a sense of community created over a weekend and eating too much kale.  Those conversations have made an impression on her and on me!  The Sauce Parties are such a great time to catch up with many of our members, hear what is going on with the kids, see how much they have grown over the year, or maybe not see the kids at all because they are grown up now and off doing their own thing.  This past weekend, it was great to see several families come up as a group and work together on their saucing.  The Sauce Party, more than any other event on the farm, really gives us all a chance to be a part of a big community and cook together.  So as the season comes close to the end, I do hope to see many of you here for the Pumpkin Party!