Eatwell Farm

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Eggplant Sauce

Recipe from CSA Member Pat K.

Pat is not an eggplant lover, but she does love this recipe.  And she explained in her email - the fact that eggplant absorbs so much oil is actually a benefit in this recipe. 

2 or 3 Eggplants, cut into small cubes

1/2 to 3/4 cup Olive Oil

2 to 3 TB Butter

4 or more cloves Garlic

A couple of handfuls of Kalamata Olives, pitted

Eatwell Thyme Salt

Oregano or another Herb (If you use Basil from this week's share, slice into thin little strips and add at the very end.)

1/2 to 3/4 cup Eatwell Chicken Stock or Water

Optional: Toasted Pine Nuts and chopped Parsley

Heat Olive Oil and butter in a large frying pan.  Add eggplant, then garlic.  Cook over medium to med-high heat, stirring now and then until eggplant begins to brown and cooks down by about half.  This will take a while, 1/2 hour or so.  While this is cooking, put pasta water on to boil, then add pasta.  Add oregano or other herb(s) to the eggplant. Add chicken stock or water and the olives, a third cup or so at a time until it has the consistency you like, or similar to a very thick tomato sauce.  You can use the pasta water.  When pasta is cooked, pour sauce over it and stir. Then add chopped parsley and toasted pine nuts.