Eatwell Farm

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Armenian Cucumbers

I, for one, am very excited to have cucumbers in the box.  The Armenian Cucumbers are actually not a cucumber, but rather a type of muskmelon.  So far, I have found they are not as seedy or watery as cucumbers, so perfect for my favorite Schopska Salad.  I have posted schopska recipes every year since our trip to Bulgaria, 4 years ago, and am including it again this year. The flavor of the Armenian Cucumber is delicious and we have been enjoying them on sandwiches, salads, and don't forget tzatziki or raita (I am including a recipe for raita to go with the Eggplant and Potato Curry).   In the description of the Armenian Cucumber they say it is never bitter, and the skin is thin so it does not need to be removed.