Recipe from Vegetable Literacy by Deborah Madison


So often it is the case - look for one recipe in a cookbook and find several.  I realize this is the second recipe with eggplant, but it just works so well with everything in the box.  And maybe you didn't use all of your eggplant in the last dish, or you want another option.

1 1/2 lb Eggplant

Sea Salt

Sunflower or Olive Oil

2 TB Olive Oil

1 small finely diced Onion

10 to 12 cups coarsely chopped Stir Fry Mix (It calls for chard, but the stir fry mix will be a great substitute)

Freshly ground Black Pepper

Several large Basil Leaves, torn

1 or 2 large Tomatoes, sliced 1/4" thick

4 oz fresh Mozzarella, sliced

Handful of Cherry Tomatoes

1 cup fresh Bread Crumbs


Slice the eggplant into round a scant 1/2" thick.  You should have 8 to 10 slices.  Heat a ridged cast-iron pan over medium high heat.  While the pan is heating, brush both sides of eggplant slices with the sunflower oil.  When the pan is hot, add the slices and cook for 6 to 7 minutes, rotating them 45 degrees and then cooking for another 5 to 7 minutes.  Turn the slices over and cook on the second side the same way.  The second side may take less time because the pan will have amassed more heat OR you can brush the round and bake in a 375 F oven until nicely colored, 25 minutes or so.  Heat 1 TB of the olive oil in a wide skillet over medium heat.  Add the onion and cook, stirring occasionally, for 3 minutes.  Add the greens a few pinches of salt, cover and cook until the greens are wilted and tender.  Put into a colander or sieve set over a bowl to drain, then press with the back of a spoon to remove some of the liquid.  It needn't be bone-dry, as it will give moisture to the dish.  Heat the oven to 350 F.  Lightly oil a round or oval gratin dish large enough to hold 6 to 8 cups.  Cover the gratin dish with half the eggplant slices and season with salt and pepper.  Scatter the basil, then layer half of the tomato slices on top, followed by half of the mozzarella.  Season again with salt and pepper.  Strew the greens over the cheese layer and season lightly with salt and pepper.  Layer the remaining eggplant round, followed by the remaining tomato slices, and cheese.  Tuck any small whole tomatoes here and there among the vegetable.  Toss the bread crumbs with the remaining olive oil to moisten and strew them over the surface.  Bake until bubbly and the bread crumbs are browned, about 35 minutes.  Let settle 10 minutes or so before serving.
