Just wanted to remind all of you parents, summer is nearly upon us.  If you are still looking for a great activity for your youngsters, please consider a session with Bay Leaf. You can get all the specific details at their website bayleafkitchen.org.  

This year, they have 5 sessions, including one for teens.  All sessions do an overnight here at Eatwell Farm.  It is such a fantastic time for all of us and honestly, always my favorite days at the farm.  I love taking the kids around, showing them all the different produce and sharing in a truly magnificent dinner.  The kids plan the meal, come up with recipes, go forage for ingredients and there is always a guest chef who comes up to help them with the main dish.  

It was always my dream to do a cooking camp at the farm, but this is so much better.  Elianna, Rachel and their crew are so passionate and bring tremendous knowledge and experience to the program, not to mention, great connections.  Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday of the camp is a day long session in San Francisco in their cooking garden in the Bay View.  There are scholarships available, too.  So even if you don't have kids, or yours are all grown up, maybe you know someone who might be interested.  I hope you all can spread the word. I would really love to help them fill all 5 sessions!
