I have written those words a few too many times.  For those of you who have been members over these past 4 years, you know what I am talking about, for those of you who are newer members here is a quick catch up.  Nearly 4 1/2 years ago Nigel was diagnosed with Multiple Myeloma, a bone marrow cancer.  Over these past 4 + years he has been through quite a few treatments, but in February 2015 Nigel did the stem cell transplant which was supposed to keep him cancer free for a good 5 years.  Sadly it did not take.  In April we discovered a tumor in the tear duct of one of his eyes.  Nigel did 5 days of radiation and is once again on chemo.

This has all been so disheartening and really, at the worst time of year.  It is the busiest time on the farm; strawberry season, potato season, lavender season, event season, etc.  Winter is a much better time for Nigel to be a bit more checked out, so this time around it is hitting us pretty hard.

I really don't like to complain because I know there are many who go through worse, but man, cancer is an awful experience to endure.  The drugs this time have made him really weak and for me that is hard to see.  Nigel is a strong man and I am finding strength I never knew I had, so we will get through this one, too. It's just not so easy.  

At this time, I would like to remind everyone of the Care Share program - 4 box CSA subscription free to those battling a serious illness.  Nigel and I have learned first hand the importance of nutrient dense, fresh food. If you know of someone who could benefit, please contact Connie for more information. 

Strawberry Days are over, and If you did not have a chance to make it up to the farm please consider joining us for the Solstice Party or one of the Tomato Sauce Parties.  Experiencing the farm makes for a very real connection to the food you eat, and they are a ton of fun.  Tickets are already available and you can find information about those on the Events Page of our website.  

Lastly, I am not a religious person, but I do believe in the power of prayer or the collective thought, so please send a little healing energy out for Nigel. I want him to get well soon.  As always, thank you for your support and love and hope to see many of you in the next few months up here on the farm. 

- Lorraine
