Eatwell Farm

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Preparing for fall

This week I am sending more seed to Headstart Nursery in Gilroy for our fall crops. The Leeks, Celery and Celeriac we sent many weeks ago, as they take longer to grow into sizable plants we can put out into the beds. Lettuce is a quick grower. We are hoping to start planting in late June and throughout the summer under shade.

The plants are grown organically for us and delivered according to a schedule. Keeping great fresh produce in your harvest share every week requires planning and many plantings of the same crop in many cases. The seed we use is organically grown or next best, untreated seed. This means, no chemicals on the seed. Organic seed can be coated to help the machine sow the seed more accurately into the seed trays. Difficult to germinate seed can be primed and coated to help it germinate and a good example of this is Rosemary.

The plants arrive on the farm in large bins and the trays are unloaded into our shade house. When Jose and the crew have finished their harvesting, our Italian Transplanting machine goes into action.