So many families brought a picnic lunch to last Sundays Strawberry Day. The weather was cool, for the farm and perfect for many of our Bay Area members. The strawberries have been damaged by the entire series of rains we have had since April, so picking was not easy. There were many berries to choose from, though.

The fact that so many of you make it out to the farm, thrills Lorraine and I. To us, it is what makes being a part of Eatwell Farm so special for everyone. There is nothing like picking a sun warmed, ripe berry directly from the plant. 

Thank you all for your support!

There are two more Strawberry Days on the Farm Events left this May, on Saturday the 21st and 28th. Check the events page at

There will also be a chance to pick berries on the Sunday morning of the Summer Solstice Garlic Braiding Camp Out.
