Eatwell Farm

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Chard & Kale Salad with Oregano Vinaigrette

Recipe found on the California Bountiful Website 

Serves 4 as a side, or 2 as a main dish


Oregano Vinaigrette:

fresh oregano

2 cups Red Wine Vinegar

3 cups Grapeseed Oil

1 TB Dijon Mustard

1 TB chopped Garlic

1 TB chopped Shallots

1 1/2 tsp Salt

1 1/2 tsp Black Pepper

1/2 tsp Red Chili Flakes


Chard and Kale Salad:

2 oz (1/4 cup) Bacon, cooked and chopped

2 oz (1/4 cup) Oregano Vinaigrette

2 cups thinly sliced Kale and Chard leaves

2 oz (1/4 cup) Citrus marinated Red Onion Slices - sliced onion marinated in fresh citrus juice

1 cup cooked Quinoa

1/3 cup diced dried Apricots

8 Cherry Tomatoes, halved

2 oz (1/4 cup) shaved Parmesan cheese

1 hard-boiled Egg, sliced


For the vinaigrette: Whisk together all ingredients and set aside.  

To serve: Put cooked and chopped bacon and 1/4 cup vinaigrette in a small, oven safe dish.  Place in a heated oven for 3 minutes.  In a large bowl, toss hot vinaigrette with all salad ingredients except hard boiled egg.  Mound salad in the center of each plate and place slices of egg around the perimeter.  

Chef's note: You will have quite a bit of vinaigrette left over.  You can simply store it in the refrigerator until you're ready to use on another salad.