Roberto replaced the blades on his flail mower last week, while waiting for the soil to dry out. This seven foot wide mower chews up vegetation at a dramatic rate. These were beds that we had sown to lettuce, greens etc back in November. We like to keep the soil covered over the winter to protect it. We were not able to keep all the weeds at bay, as it was often too wet when we needed to run the brush weeder through. Now we need these beds for our summer crops, such as Peppers and Tomatoes.

Other crops planted in the fall, such as these Daikon, have flowered. The pollinators have been loving the flowers since they opened about a week ago. It is important to make sure there is food for all the native bees and their friends on the farm year round. These beds are needed for planting Onions and Shallots in a couple of weeks time.
