We are fast approaching our 20th anniversary harvest share delivery in early April. We started with 48 boxes the first week back in 1996. We started farming in March of 1993, selling at the Ferry Plaza Farmers Market, but we took our time to get set up for the service we offer you now. On February 26th, there is a National CSA Sign-Up Day to get as many people to connect with their Farm and join as members. Please encourage your friends to join or bring them along to a Strawberry Event. You will hear more from us soon.
This week in the box, we have a grapefruit from our good friends in Winters, Jim and Georgeann. Jim has been a wonderful source of advice and help to me for 20 years. Always ready to listen and help me work through any problem. He had two very productive grapefruit trees in his garden that he cannot use all the fruit from. He does not use chemicals on these, pesticides or fertilizers. We cannot say they are organic but…
Georgi in the picture below at the market came with me to get these grapefruit from Jim. She is a young farmer from ‘Down Under’. Georgi completed a years study/work program and asked us if she could see what we do. She was here five days and got to go out with the eggs crew, harvest crew and come with us to the farmers market. Visiting farms is one of the best ways a young farmer can learn. It was a big part of my education and still is. We all have so much to learn from one another.
This was her first credit card transaction!
There is a desperate need for young, well trained farmers. The average age of a farmer is in their late 50’s. They have to have the passion and determination to get an education and experience. It is not a high paying job, so Lorraine and I are doing everything we can to help. Connie, who you speak to in our office is here learning how to run the business side of a farm. This is all import stuff. Last week, Connie and I completed our annual workers compensation audit. Such fun stuff!