Eatwell Farm

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Savory Roasted Vegetable Galette

by Paige

1 Eatwell Savory Pastry Crust or this (

1 C Roasted Butternut Squash, Roast the whole thing and put in your salads this week!

2 Leeks, White Ends, ¼ inch Slices

1 Fennel Bulb, fronds reserved, ¼ inch Slices

1 C Chopped Celery, on the diagonal, ½ inch thick slices

2 Garlics Cloves, Chopped

¼ C chopped Dill

½ C chopped Parsley

½ to 1 C Blended Sharp Cheese (Gruyere, Asiago & Fontina)

2 T Dijon Mustard or other Hearty Mustard

2 T Butter/Olive Oil

2 t Rosemary Salt

Pinch of Red Pepper Flakes

Warm a Cast Iron Skillet or other heavy bottomed pan with Butter/Oil till glistening. Toss Leeks, Celery Stalks, Fennel and Garlic into oil and sauté until slightly brown but still somewhat crunchy. Remove from pan and set aside in bowl.  Allow Veggie mixture to cool, Add Dill Parsley, and Celery Leaves to Cooled Veggies.  Toss Pre-Roasted Butternut Squash into this mix along with ⅓ of cheese, Rosemary Salt, and a small amount of Mustard. Set Aside.

Roll out Pastry Dough on floured Parchment Paper.  If it gets too warm - remember you can easily throw it in the fridge on a cookie sheet for a few minutes.  Paint Mustard over bottom of Pastry Dough leaving a 1 inch margin.  Sprinkle Cheese in center of Pastry Dough, leaving a 2 inch margin, top with sprinkle of red pepper flakes to your taste.  Place cooled veggie mixture in center. Fold 2 inch margin of Pastry Dough towards center of crust, leaving an opening of approx 8 inches.  You can use a touch of egg wash or Cream to bind the crust to itself as you fold the margins into the center. Bake at 400 degrees for 30-40 minutes until nicely browned. Serve warm with a Salad, or enjoy cold as a packed lunch this week!