Eatwell Farm

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Heirloom Flour

Well it is definitely baking season.  I always loved to bake in the cold winter months, because you get the added benefitwarming up the house.  There really is nothing like the smell of bread baking.  As my friend Mark likes to remind me - I am a cook, not a baker, to which I say hooey!  Because I am a cook and I do tend to push cooking rules, I have spent a good amount of time breaking the rules of baking when using our Heirloom Wheat Flour and I have had some really great success. We don't grow much wheat on the farm, but the guys have been busy cleaning this summer's harvest and getting seed in the ground for next year's crop.  A field of wheat is a beautiful thing to behold.  Heirloom wheat is a bit tricky, because it grows quite tall.  The modern hybridized varieties have beĎ€en bred to grow extremely short to keep it from falling over in the wind.  It also has been bred to increase yield. With all the manipulation of this ancient grain, we now know that many people have issues when eating wheat. Whether that is from the modern variety itself or the growing practices that relies on applying RoundUp shortly before harvesting as a desiccant, I don't know.  What I do know is there is no comparison between our flour and what you get in the store and much of that can be attributed to freshness.  If you haven't tried it yet, I urge you to do so, now is the perfect time.  If you would like my recipe for hamburger buns/dinner rolls, or buttermilk biscuits or even pastry dough, shoot me an email and I will gladly get those recipes sent off to you!