I am fortunate enough to be sitting at the Farmhouse kitchen counter as Lorraine cooks and chats with Connie about the gloriousness of Winter Vegetables and how much they enjoy them. I just fist pumpedCeleriac, oh my celeriac!!!!  There will be all sorts of recipes for my favorites this winter - I can’t get enough of celeriac and there is so much more to look forward to this winter season up on the farm. Having the chance to share my passion for them is awesome. But this week, it’s Breakfast for Dinner with the Perfect Frittata! It’s an easy, delicious dinner! And a simple Dijon dressing will make this weeks Lettuce especially tasty!  Toss those Radishes, Pomegranate Seeds and some toasted Nuts in the salad too!

from Bon Appetite (http://www.bonappetit.com/test-kitchen/common-mistakes/article/frittata-common-mistakes)

1. Use Some Dairy—and Make It Full-Fat 

When it comes to what type of dairy you use, let your creativity guide you: Whole milk, sour cream, yogurt, or crème fraîche are all great options. Just be aware that anything less than a full-fat product will produce a less-unctuous frittata. 

2. Don’t Wing the Egg-Dairy Ratio (12 eggs = ½ Cup Dairy)

3. Use the Right Pan for the Job

Does size matter? Sort of. A 12-egg'er should ideally be cooked in a 10-inch pan. Scale down for smaller frittata. Want to make a small frittata but don't have a little pan? Go ahead and use that large one, but be aware that the frittata will be thinner.

4. Fully Cook (Most) Add-Ins

5. Never, Ever Over-bake (350 is jut perfect)

A good frittata should have the texture of custard: trembling and barely set. An over-baked frittata, in contrast, will have all the textural appeal of a kitchen sponge (and its interior will look strikingly similar). "You may want a deep golden-brown top," says Perry, "But the reality of it is, when the crust is golden, the interior is over-baked."

6. Season Early and Season Well - a good rule of thumb for tasty results

Be sure to season your eggs with salt and pepper before adding them to the pan. A surface-level sprinkling of salt won't penetrate the rest of the frittata. 

7. Choose Your Cheese Wisely about 1 Cup for a 12 Egger!

Know what function you want your cheese to perform. Looking for fromage in every bite? For a standard 12-egg frittata, stir in about one cup (shred it first). Want to top the eggs with cheese, too? Shoot for ¼ to ½ cup more. If it's an oozing texture you're after, pick cheeses that have superior melting quality.
