Eatwell Farm

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Garlic, This Year and Next

Two weeks ago, Connie put the Garlic Braids up on the website for you all to order as add on items to your box.  Many of you jumped right on that and many braids went out last week. Even more are going out this week!  The braids are fantastic, because when the bulb is left intact with the stem, the cloves don't dry out as quickly.  I have enjoyed my garlic well into the following year, almost to the time the bulb garlic is ready for harvest.  This morning, driving around, we saw Ramon cultivating the new crop for next year's shares.  He gets out there every couple of days, because hoeing the garlic field is one of the least liked jobs the crew has to do.  They make sure to keep the weeds at bay with the machine. The small green shoots look really happy and very strong. Connie wrote about the planting of the garlic, a few weeks ago, in the newsletter and it is amazing to see how much they have grown already!