It was a big disappointment to cancel this year's Pumpkin Day, particularly as it was our final event of the season.  If you want one last chance to come up and celebrate on the farm, the folks at Wilderness Torah are holding their annual Sukkot on the Farm at Eatwell this year.  If you are not familiar with Sukkot, it is the ancient Jewish celebration of the harvest, honoring the earth and all it provides us.  This four-day gathering includes, camping, eating, learning and praying next to the fields to immerse ourselves in the essence of this harvest holiday.  In our community built sukkah, we observe Shabbat and Sukkot ritual, eat gourmet food freshly harvested from the fields, explore the connections between Jewish spirituality, nature awareness and the rains, and gather around the campfire for song and celebration.  If you are interested, please visit their website for tickets and more information.
